As General Seminary continues to celebrate the accomplishments of women at General and throughout the Church, “Adding Women to the Story of the Early Church,” with VK McCarty (Class of '11), takes a fascinating look at a dozen female church leaders whose voice and wisdom are remembered—and indeed recorded—in the New Testament, throughout the Church Fathers and other ancient sources. Their faithful voices can be heard across the centuries as they pray and mentor their followers, and collaborate in the exciting early development of monasticism and the Church itself.
She will share the adventure of meeting these women, including examples of Early Christian Art. Among them are: Lydia, the purple-fabric dealer and the Deacon Phoebe from the St. Paul's ministry, the saints Thekla and Perpetua, remembered crying out in the passion of their martyrdom.
VK McCarty ('11) served as Acquisitions Librarian at General Seminary 2000-2015, and also for several years as copy editor for both of General's regular publications. She copy-edited Through the Gates into the City: A Metropolis, a Seminary, a Chapel by Tim Boggs, The Vows Books by Distinguished GTS Alum Clark Berge, as well as his newest book, Running for Resurrection, and she continues to lecture in Ascetical Theology at General and at St. Luke in the Fields.